You struggled, you sweated, you truly took the time to find the exact right words to tell your future spouse precisely what s/he means to you. After all of those sleepless hours spent staring at the ceiling and thinking, all of those drafts and revisions, you finally did it - the hard part is over.
Now, when it comes time to stand before the love of your life and officially join your future with theirs, do you really want to read those words off of your phone?
Plus, if you forget that the paper is in your hand, you end up with a lovely moment (instead of accidentally smacking your love with an iPhone...)
If so, that’s absolutely fine - in this above all else, it is most definitely the thought that counts - but it's going to look a lot better in pictures if you copy those vows onto paper. You can write them in a fancy notebook. You can type them up in Microsoft Word. Heck, you can even scrawl your vows on the back of menu.
(Or, if you really want to read from a phone or an iPad while making it look like you aren’t, you can just trick us all by picking up one of those cute little “BookBook” cases.)
It really doesn't have to be terribly fancy. The groom truly loved how this bride had written the vows - it was "very her."
Why? Because there’s just something so deeply evocative about the sight of a person reading from good old-fashioned paper. In an age when nearly everything is consumed through a screen, written vows are reminiscent of love letters, of favorite books, of weighty, important, permanent thoughts.
So, after you’re done agonizing over the relative merits of “and” vs “with,” take a few minutes to copy your thoughts onto paper. It may not impact the content, but it’s such an easy way to visually indicate just what these words mean to you.